On Saturday November 30th, 2013, in the building of the Academy of knowledge in Budva is organized a round table on the topic "The crisis of culture in Montenegro and the region". Participants of the round table were PhD Sinisa Jelusic, professor at the School of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje, Tanja Rajic, NGO "Expeditio" Kotor, Bozena Jelusic professor and theorist of literature and Merin Smailagić, director of the PI City Theater. Roundtable was organized by non-governmental organization "Agora" from Budva with the support of the Municipality of Budva.

Moderators of the Round Table were Stanka Rađenović and Novak Govedarica.

Izlaganja učesnika Okruglog stola su išla od date opšte ocjene o situaciji u kulturi u Crnoj Gori i regionu, do odgovora i komentara na postavljena pitanja od strane velikog broja prisutnih koji su vidno bili zainteresovani za datu temu.

Participants of the Round Table presentations were heading from general assessment of the culture situation in Montenegro and the region, to responses and comments on the questions posed by the large number of people who were present and clearly interested in a given topic.

Professor PhD Sinisa Jelusic explained the concept of culture in a broader sense. He noted research data in some countries in the region that indicate a very negative tendencies in the culture. In Montenegro, there are no significant researchs in this area, but on the basis of certain indicators, said Sinisa Jelusic, the situation is not significantly different compared to other countries in the region. Responding to questions, he commented on the organization of various events in Budva, which by their nature have a tourist entertaining character, and not cultural. Also, he spoke of the negative impact of policies on culture, especially in terms of determining the personnel in charge to lead the institution in the field of culture. More in the video.

Tanja Rajić transferred wealthy experience from the position of the NGO sector, more precisely from the work of the NGO "Expeditio" Kotor. This NGO has so far had involvement in the implementation of important programs in the field of culture, and also participated in researches related to issues of culture, therefore the data put forward by Tanja Rajic were very important and interesting for the theme that was at the Round Table. More in the video.

Božena Jelušić spoke about the necessity of culture and regardless of the various changes that occur with changes in society, the culture will always exist in one form or another. Problems in the culture or culture crisis can not be attributed solely or exclusively to financial problems, rather, it  has to do we are changed needs, stressed Božena Jelušić. More in the video.

Merin Smailagić talked about experiences that are related to the operation of the City Theatre. Finances are the most important prerequisite for the organization of cultural events, but not the only one. According to him, the artists themselves are moving away from the culture. Until a few years volunteer work was normal, while in recent years there is no such examples. The crisis of culture partly attribute to mass culture and the application of modern technology, which in a way moves away the user from the real cultural content. More in the video.

The theme of the crisis in culture has caused great interest of visitors who asked questions, provide comments and observations. A good part of the questions and the statements referred to the work of cultural institutions at the local level. That is, it would appear, sufficient signal that on these issues at the local level should be organized, as soon as possible, a similar debate. There were also specific issues that are related to the work of the Ministry of Culture, in which, of course,  the participants of the Round Table could not give an answer.

Regardless of the goals and expectations of visitors from the Round Table, it shows that the debate on this and similar topics it is necessary. In this respect, praise for NGO Agora, who prepared the discussion on this topic, as well as their efforts to organize certain events outside the tourist season. Experience from this debate requires that in the organization of similar, should take into account that topics are immediate, more concrete, and also the selection of participants in the debate should varied with different levels from local to state, different profiles of theorists in this field, to the representatives of the institutions which are responsible for the creation of specific cultural content and representatives of the Ministry of Culture and local communities relevant for the funding of cultural institutions . Of course, the praise ato patronage of the Municipality of Budva to this Roundtable, although it was expected that a significant number of issues will be addressed precisely to that address . It is certainly a positive step, and criticism as well as crisis should be understood as a challenge and the possibility of turning to something positive .

Fragmentary video >>>


EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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