
Program-razvoja-kulture-scrAs the closing activity withinSostenuto project, Expeditio has published a publication “Appendices for the Program for the Development of Culture of the Municipality of Kotor 2012-2016”. The book gathers the material collected during multiannual process of consultations with a large number of cultural stakeholders operating in the territory of the Municipality of Kotor. We hope that these ideas and proposals will also find their place in the final document which is to be adopted by the relevant authorities. We would like to thank all participants in the workshops and focus groups, and all of you who set away your time and energy to speak to us individually or sent written proposals. Believing in participation attitude in creating strategic documents, we strived, to the possible extent, to integrate the material collected during the consultation process in the book that lies before you.

kulturne-prakse-u-BOKI-naslovnaThe research “Cultural Practices of Citizens in Boka Kotorska“ has been realized within the process of creation of draft Local Programmes for the Development of Culture in the three municipalities of Boka Kotorska: Kotor, Tivat and Herceg Novi. The process was initiated by the NGO Expeditio – Centre for Sustainable Spatial Development from Kotor, within the “Sostenuto“ project.


Publication "Planning guidelines that lead to sustainable spatial development" has been published as a part of the project "EKOPlan - Monitoring the application of the principles of sustainable spatial development and environmental protection in the spatial planning documents in Montenegro"

The project aims to encourage the application of the principles of sustainable spatial development and environmental protection in the spatial planning documents in Montenegro, through analyzing and monitoring terms of reference, plans, projects and planning legislative, as well as through researching the level of law enforcement and its impact on the citizens. The project has been implemented during 2011.


Establishing a proactive, responsible citizenry and fostering citizens’ participation in European
policy-making is easiest activated on local level. Policies developed and implemented on local level concern the immediate personal living environments of European citizens. Belonging to Europe, as well as developing a certain ‘personal ownership’ of the European Union as common polity of its citizens has to start first and foremost close to our hearts and minds – hence on a local decision-making level. This implies that political decisions made on EU level and European values endorsed across the continent ideally also have to permeate local cultural policies. In this book, two renown experts, Jordi Pascual i Ruiz and Sanjin Dragojević explore the conceptual framework and the theories behind citizen participation in local cultural policy development and the mechanisms of how participation can be realised on the city level.

benifit-living_publikacijaThe electronic publication „Benefit Living” was made available as a part of the same project. It is intended for those who want to be informed, understand, and implement the modern construction and spatial planning principles. A number of features of this publication is devoted to evaluation and planning of space in Montenegro, whereas the other texts deal with more general topics of interest for the development of cities. The features were produced in 2010 and 2011.


Research: "Gender awareness in the field of spatial planning in Montenegro" aims to examine the extent to which planning in Montenegro is gender-sensitive and how it can improve the current planning practice. The study was conducted with protagonists who operate in the field of planning and it involves attitudes about the current integration of gender equality in the space planning area, as well as guidelines and recommendations for improving the current situation in this field.


When we start talking about the integration of gender equality into planning processes, we usually receive a comment: “We plan for all people”.  This, in translation, should mean that planning is gender-neutral. However, this attitude actually reflects “gender-blindness”, i.e. ignoration of the fact that women and men have different needs, experiences and priorities. The current planning practice in Montenegro does not recognize these differences.

korice-palateThe second, supplemented edition of the publication “Palaces of Boka Kotorska” in Montenegrin language has just been released. The publication “Palaces of Boka Kotorska” presents, in one place, all the palaces and other important and characteristic residential houses in Boka Kotorska which can be included in an interesting cultural itinerary. During preparation of the publication, we referred to a wealth of material and prior research on the individual palaces. The first edition of the the publication was accompanied by the website

kulturne-potrebe-naslovnaIn the period September 2009-March 2010, Expeditio conducted a research focusing on the topic “Cultural Needs of Youth in Boka Kotorska“. The project was funded by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Media of Montenegro, through a programme for co-financing projects for young people in 2009. The project was intended as part of activities aimed at implementing the Action Plan for Youth in 2009. The research “Cultural Needs of Youth in Boka Kotorska“ was conducted as part of a larger project entitled Sostenuto. This project is carried out in partnership between Expeditio and partner organizations from France, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, within the MED programme of the EU. The Sostenuto project focuses on thinking culture as a factor of economic and social innovation.

srednjevjekovni-NASOVNAObavještavamo Vas da je izašla iz štampe publikacija „Srednjovjekovni gradovi Crne Gore" na engleskom jeziku. Izdanje iste publikacije na našem jeziku objavljeno je još 2004. godine. Publikacija „Srednjovjekovni gradovi Crne Gore" rezultat je istoimenog projekta koji je nevladina organizacija EXPEDITIO realizovala tokom 2004. godine, sa ciljem prezentovanja i popularisanje SREDNJOVJEKOVNIH GRADOVA CRNE GORE kao nedovoljno poznatog dijela crnogorske baštine i prepoznavanje ovih lokaliteta kao jedinstvene i turistički atraktivne kulturne maršrute.

EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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