Heritage Driver of DevelopmentThe project "Heritage - Driver of Development" aim is contribution to the establishment of cooperation between the institutions responsible for the protection of natural and cultural heritage in Croatia and Montenegro through implementation of joint programs, education, transfer of knowledge and activities to raise awareness. More about the project, read at: www.bastina.eu .

act4city logoACT4CITY - Independent cultural actors towards sustainable Balkan cities promotes sustainable city approach through joint educational, artistic and advocacy actions implemented by independent cultural actors. Project is  jointly realized by Expeditio, Kotor, ME; Ministarstvo prostora, Belgrade, RS; City Creative Network - CCN, Skoplje, MK; Art radionica Lazareti, Dubrovnik, HR. The project ACT4CITY is funded by Balkan Arts and Culture Fund BACBAC is supported by the Swiss Government through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the European Cultural Foundation (EFC).

 logotipi act4city


The project SCHOOL ♥ CITY aims to improve the knowledge about the planning of sustainable cities and towns among the teachers and students in primary schools in Montenegro. The legal basis for the implementation of the project is the fact that the Education for sustainable development programme has already been introduced into Montenegrin educational system, including eight cross-curricular fields, one of which is Sustainable cities and towns. Although this legal basis for education on sustainable cities has been created, the level of its implementation in primary schools in Montenegro is still very low. For that reason, the SCHOOL ♥ CITY project deals with practical education of teachers and students about the topic of sustainable cities and towns, so that this cross-curricular field could become part of the regular school curricula.

europa creativaProject EUROPEAN ARTIZEN INITIATIVE is funded through program Creative Europe 2014 - Smaller scale cooperation projects (COOP1). Expeditio is one of the partners in this project.

brujanje gradaUrban Hum is a multidisciplinary platform with the goal of critical thinking presentation, preservation and interpretation of urban, public spaces in the region. Our mission connects us to each other with our different histories, playing (former) multi-cultural nation. Our goal is to transform the local community from the places in which we live into a place that we love and understand - together. Partners on the project URBAN HUM are: Association of Shadow Casters, Croatia (project leader); The Association for Culture and Art FRU, Macedonia; REX Cultural Centre, Serbia; Qendra Multimedia, Kosovo; Expeditio, Montenegro.


Aim of the project “City Spaces – Spaces for Citizens” is to improve participation of independent cultural scene actors in decision-making processes concerning management of public properties in partner countries. Therefore the main idea of the project “City Spaces – Spaces for Citizens” is to contribute to the overall independent scene capacity building processesby promoting regional cooperation and experiences in the field of public properties management, addressing at the same time specific issues in local contexts of Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. The total value of the project is EUR 10180. 

nifob logo dijagonalnoEXPEDITIO is partner in the European project "New Ideas for Old Buildings". The project is implemented by seven small and medium-sized cities in Europe from the Baltic to the Balkans, who are facing common problems of economic and social decline and want to find an effective and democratic solutions for revitalising their towns and enhancing the quality of life of their inhabitants. The project was implemented within the framework of the program Europe for Citizens. It started in July 2015 and will last until the end of June 2017.

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Projekat AGRISCAPE&ME- Obnova tradicionalnih poljoprivrednih pejzaža za održivu poljoprivredu realizuje se iz sredstava Evropske unije u okviru regionalnog projekta “Održiva poljoprivreda za održivi Balkan: jačanje kapaciteta organizacija civilnog društva za javno zastupanje i razvijanje politika na zapadnom Balkanu“ koji sprovodi regionalni konzorcijum organizacija civilnog društva iz Albanije, bivše jugoslovenske republike Makedonije, Kosova i Crne Gore, predvođen Organizacijom za poštovanje i brigu o životinjama – ORCA iz Srbije.

Projekat AGRISCAPE&ME realizuju organizacije EXPEDITIO Centar za održivi prostorni razvojKulturno zavičajno udruženja NAPREDAK Gornja Lastva i Maslinarsko društvo „Boka“ – Boka Kotorska. Saradnik na projektu je Mreža za ruralni razvoj Crne Gore.

Ciljevi projekta AGRISCAPE&MEsu jačanja kapaciteta organizacija civilnog društva koje se bave kulturnom baštinom, pejzažom i poljoprivredom  i stvaranju platforme relevantnih aktera u oblastima poljoprivrede, kulturne baštine, pejzaža i planiranja koja će doprinijeti unapređenju zakonskog i institucionalnog okvira za zaštitu, planiranje i upravljanje tradicionalnim poljoprivrednim pejzažom u cilju razvoja održive poljoprivrede u Crnoj Gori. Više o projektu možete naći na zvaničnom web sajtu: www.agriscape.org

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In September 2016, our organization got approved the project PREFAB Ø ENERGY. The project is funded by the European Union, within the framework of the grant scheme "Transfer of knowledge between the sectors of higher education, research and industry", which is implemented under the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2012-2013. Ministry of Finance, ie. Directorate for Finance and Contracting the EU assistance is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the project.

Project, that started on September 2nd 2016, will last 12 months.

Approved amount for this project is € 22,436.19 (90% of the total project amount).

techniquesHeadley Trust Foundation in May 2014 approved a grant to Expeditio project named "Traditional materials and building techniques in the Boka Kotorska". Given the lack of appropriate examples of restoration of traditional wooden windows and application of lime mortar on traditional buildings, and the lack of information in our language concerning these issues, there is a need for professional literature on traditional techniques, crafts and materials. EXPEDITIO conceived this project in order to continue improving the knowledge and skills of traditional materials and the use of building techniques, focusing on wooden windows and lime mortar.


In December 2015, a project of Expeditio entitled STRONGO Developing stronger civil society in Boka Kotorska was approved by the European Union through the IPA 2014 Civil Society Facility Montenegro Programme.

The project lead partner is Expeditio, while other partners are 4 non-governmental organizations from the area of Boka Kotorska: “Naša Akcija” from Kotor, “Urban Nova” from Herceg Novi, Cultural Heritage Association NAPREDAK Gornja Lastva from Tivat and “Agora” from Budva. Project duration is 35 months.


school4cityThe project "SCHOOL4CITY Bringing education about sustainable cities in Montenegrin schools" has been approved in October 2015 by The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt DBU (German Federal Environmental Foundation), one of Europe's largest foundations that promotes innovative and exemplary environmental projects.

kotor wikimediaExpeditio je započeo sprovođenje projekta "Aktiviranje potencijala otvorenih javnih prostora za unapređenje kvaliteta života u Kotoru" je projekat koji podrazumijeva sagledavanje javnih prostora kao faktora unapređenja svakodnevnog života građana/ki u Kotoru kroz uređenje prostora koji ih okružuje. Projekat je podržan kroz ReLOaD program koji finansira Evropska unija, a sprovodi Program Ujedinjenih nacija za razvoj (UNDP). U Crnoj Gori, ReLOaD program se sprovodi u partnerstvu sa opštinama Kotor, Tivat, Nikšić, Pljevlja i Podgorica.

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stazama kroz bastinuCilj projekta “Stazama kroz Svjetsku baštinu” je unapređenje turističke ponude Prirodnog i kulturno-istorijskog područja Kotora koje se nalazi na UNESCO-voj listi svjetske baštine i podsticanje aktivnog života građana/ki ovog područja putem aktiviranja alternativnih vrsta eko/aktivnog i kulturnog turizma (outdoor, hiking, ruralni,...) a kroz analizu, mapiranje i izradu informativnog i promotivnog materijala o pješačkim i planinarskim stazama. Projekat je podržan od strane Opštine Kotor na Javnom konkursu za raspodjelu budžetskih sredstava namijenjenih finansiranju nevladinih organizacija za 2017. godinu. Projekat je realizovan uz podršku Turističke organizacije Opštine Kotor

WWII MONUMENTSEEMeđu 12 grantova dodijeljenih od strane Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) iz fonda Evropske unije, podržan je i Expeditio projekat WWII-MonumentSEE. Počev od 9.11.2018. narednih 7 meseci, Expeditio će sa saradnicima raditi na procjeni spomenika nastalih nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, u cilju razvijanja novog regionalnog turističkog proizvoda / kulturne maršrute.


publikacija i mapa

Expeditio je u julu 2019. godine započeo sprovođenje projekta "UPOZNAJMO, DA BISMO ČUVALI - Svjetska baština Područja Kotora". Projekat je podržan u okviru Regionalnog programa lokalne demokratije na Zapadnom Balkanu – ReLOaD koji finansira Evropska unija, a sprovodi Program Ujedinjenih nacija za razvoj (UNDP). U Crnoj Gori, ReLOaD program sprovodi se u partnerstvu sa opštinama Kotor, Tivat, Nikšić, Pljevlja i Podgorica. Cilj projekta je povećanje nivoa edukovananosti i informisanosti građana/ki i turista o obuhvatu, vrijednostima i značaju Prirodnog i kulturno-istorijskog područja Kotora kao područja Svjetske baštine, i traje 10 mjeseci. 


FINAL Kulturne rute Crne GoreProjekat PUTEVIMA BAŠTINE ima za cilj unaprijeđenje prezentacije nepokretne kulturne baštine i poboljšanje turističke ponude u Crnoj Gori kroz afirmaciju kulturne baštine kao potencijala za kreiranje nacionalnih kulturnih ruta ali i za priključenje regionalnim i Evropskim kulturnim rutama.

Projekat “PUTEVIMA BAŠTINE - potencijali kulturne baštine za kreiranje kulturnih ruta Crne Gore” realizovala je nevladina organizacija EXPEDITIO tokom 2019. godine, a finansiralo je Ministarstvo kulture na osnovu javnog konkursa za dodjelu finansijskih sredstava za projekte/programe nevladinih organizacija "Raznolikost izraza nezavisne kulturne scene".

radni kamp dobrota7Na osnovu Odluke Komisije Ministarstva kulture o raspodjeli sredstava nevladinim organizacijama na osnovu Javnog konkursa „Razvijajmo kulturne navike!“ Expeditiu su odobrena sredstva za realizaciju projekta "Istraživanje: Organizacije u oblasti kulturne baštine u Crnoj Gori / analiza stanja, potreba i uslova za razvoj".


EXPEDITIO is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to encourage sustainable spatial development in Montenegro and SEE region through activity in the fields of sustainable architecture, cultural heritage, urban planning and through projects that encourage overall development of the civil society. Expeditio was established in 1997.

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead, anthropologist

Izdvajamo projekte u oblasti održive gradnje

ENEA - Energy Efficiency Living Lab
Suočavanje sa izazovima nedovoljne energetske efikasnosti u sektoru građevinarstva kroz podsticanje razmjene znanja među akterima iz Italije, Albanije i Crne Gore.


Razmjena znanja radi unapređenja proizvoda i usluga u oblasti energetski efikasne prefabrikovane gradnje

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Benefit Living
GRADIMO savremene, energetski efikasne i ekonomski isplative kuće u Crnoj Gori

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Dani energije u Crnoj Gori
Sprovođenje kampanje "The Sustainable Energy Europe" u Crnoj Gori


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Kampanja sa ciljem upoznavanja šire i stručne javnosti sa različitim vidovima ekološkog graditeljstva

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Seminar: Održiva gradnja u Crnoj Gori, Cetinje

00 cetinje Daniel Fügenschuh

Eupravljanje prostorom - promocija EU strandarda

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