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From August 26 to September 3, six representatives of our organization were on a study visit to Slovenia. The visit is a part of the project "Managing Space – Promoting European Standards", funded by the European Agency for Reconstruction from Belgrade, through the European Movement in Serbia office.

The visit was aimed at learning about the experiences of Slovenian state and civil sectors in the field of space treating and management. We visited the Ministry of Culture, the Institute for Urbanism of Slovenia, the Municipality of Ljubljana, the Republic institute for cultural heritage, Oikos, NGO "Vitra" form Cerknica, Metelkova...

Report on the study visit. pdf

Cilj posjete bio je da se upoznamo sa iskustvima Slovenackog drzavnog i civilnog sektora na polju odnosa prema prostoru. Posjetili smo Ministarstvo kulture, Institut za urbanizam Slovenije, Opstinu Ljubljana, Republicki zavod za zastitu kulturne bastine, Oikos, NVO "Vitra" iz Cerknice, Metelkovu...

Izvjestaj o studijskom putovanju. pdf

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